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Welcome Your 2021 SVGID Officers and Trustees
Sun Valley General Improvement District Board of Trustees 2021 board meetings on the second and fourth Thursday’s of each month with the exception of November and December due to holidays. The Board of Trustees unanimously nominated Sandra Ainsworth as Chair, Susan Severt as Vice-Chair, Joseph Barstow as Secretary, Carmen Ortiz as Treasurer and Michael Rider as Trustee. Board of Trustees would like to hear any comments and/or concerns you might have. Click HERE to contact the Board of Trustees.
Congratulations to Vice Chair Susan Severt
Vice Chair Severt has been awarded the Human Services Network Impact Award. Susan is the epitome of a good citizen, and a good person. Susan’s list of accomplishments is formidable. One of Susan’s most impactful accomplishments is the formation of Lexie’s Law, a bill to create misdemeanor manslaughter that toughened penalties for careless drivers responsible for fatal accidents.
2020 Photo Contest Winners
Congratulations to our 2020 Photo Contest Winners! They were all in the right place at the right time with their camera’s. Click HERE to view the winning photo’s.
2020 Community Service Awards
Sun Valley General Improvement District would like to acknowledge amazing supports of the Sun Valley community. The 2020 Community Service Recipients were Washoe County Sheriff Office for graciously accepting the challenge to lead the Illegal Abandoned Vehicle Task Force. This task consists of facilitating, organizing and executing the removal of abandoned vehicles. WCSO accepted this challenge to give Sun Valley residence back a safe and clean community. The removal of the abandoned vehicles removes unwanted blight and also prevents any unwanted accidents and/or injuries especially for the youth of Sun Valley.
Regional Transportation Commission Washoe County who performed a Corridor Study in 2015 to evaluate safety improvements along Sun Valley Blvd. So far RTC has completed 2 accessible pedestrian signals and safe crossing median islands. RTC began spring of 2020 installation of sidewalks and curb extensions, as well as upgraded storm drains to help control future storm water from 7thAve. to Highland Ranch. This project provides additional safety improvements for all pedestrians within the Sun Valley community.
Throughout this construction process RTC and the awarded contractor have done their due diligence working with and around SVGID facilities as well as providing safe traveling conditions during construction.
National Radon Detection Month
Radon is a silent killer not often talked about. It is estimated that nearly 21,000 people in the US die each year from lung cancer caused by indoor radon exposure. It is the primary cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. For more information on Radon and how to receive a radon testing kit, visit University of Nevada Reno, Extension of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources.
Tariff Update
The Sun Valley General Improvement District, pursuant to and in compliance with the requirements of NRS 318.199, held a public hearing on October 22, 2020 to consider various amendments to its Tariff. Under consideration were amendments were Rule No. 1 (updates to Definitions), Rule No. 2 (updating to Descriptions and Limitation on Service Water Rights Policy), Rule No. 5 (updates to Payment and Bills and Penalty for Non-Payments to include language regarding disputed credit/debit card payments), Rule No. 7 (updates to Public Information to include a section on Public Records Request Policy), Rule No. 12 (updates and $30 increase to Customer Deposits and $15 increase to sewer only customers), Rule No. 15 (updates to Water Service Connections and Customer’s Facilities, referencing inspections and damage fees on the District’s Utility Fee Schedule, $5 increase to Backflow inspections and updates to Right to Access to Premises and making customers responsible for District costs associated with removal of any obstructions), Rule No. 16 (reclassification from Water Service Lines and Facilities to a New Development Rule; setting forth requirements for new development directly and referencing other rules related to new development; new language requiring Developer deposits to a District Trust Account for construction requiring the extension or oversizing of District Facilities, and imposing a $100 administration fee for refund requests of certain Trust Account deposits), Rule No. 21 (updates to Water Fees, $10 increase for Emergency Service Fee, discontinue of after hour installs for new services only, update language for Non-Taxpaying Customers to authorize District to increase service charge for customers receiving service within an incorporated city, updates to General Water Facility Payment Options and implementation of $100 administrative fee for refunds) Rule No. 22 (updates to Sewer Fees, $10 increase for Emergency Service Fee, discontinue of after hour installs for new services only, and implementation of $100 administrative fee for refunds), and Rule No. 23 (updates to Additional Charges including moving of charges to the District’s Utility Fee Schedule, increasing Construction Inspections to $100 per hour, per inspection, $75 increase to Cut Lock Fee and charge actual cost, time and material, for all other Damaged Facilities, per occurrence); Rule No 24 (updates to Annexation application and developer responsibilities) Rule No 28 ( updates to the Recreation Fee to clarify customers and/or services subject to the Recreation Fee and to include a section on District’s Naming of Recreation Facilities Policy). The Board of Trustees adopted amendments to be effective December 14, 2020. To review the Sun Valley General Improvement District’s complete Tariff / Rules and Regulations, visit www.svgid.com.
- January 18th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day (District office closed)
- January 28th – District Board Meeting
- February 11th – District Board Meeting
- February 15th – President’s Day (District office closed)
- February 25th – District Board Meeting
- March 11th – District Board Meeting
- March 25th – District Board Meeting