Is there any assistance to help pay for the water/sewer bills?

The District does not offer assistance for the water or sewer portion of bills. The District does offer assistance for the $3.50/month recreation fee for seniors (20% discount) or 100% discount  if customer meets low income guidelines as established on our website. Also, the District offers a Garbage Assistance Program for District customers who pay a Waste Management bill and who meet low income guidelines as established on our website.

Do you offer senior discounts?

If you are a senior of 65 or older you are eligible to receive a 20% discount off the $3.50/month recreation fee charged on your monthly District bill. Based on your total gross household income, you may also be eligible for enrollment in the Garbage Assistance Program.

Why is my water bill so high?

The monthly utility bill from the District is not just for water alone. It includes sewer billing and a recreation fee, which helps maintain the 4 parks and pool that are owned by the District.

What are my watering days?

Effective June 10, 2010, the District Board of Trustees approved a voluntary three times a week water conservation plan as follows:

AVOID WATERING – between 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. as this is the hottest part of the day when water evaporates and doesn’t reach plants’ root systems

ODD ADDRESSES – water on Sundays, Wednesdays & Fridays

EVEN ADDRESSES – water on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays

HAND WATERING – of trees, flowers, vegetables & shrubs is allowed any day

DRIP SYSTEMS – can be used any day

Why don’t you fix the leaks on customer properties?

The District is the service provider for your water and sewer, and our responsibility ends at the meter for water or at the property line cleanout for sewer.

Which water agency services the North Valleys (Stead, Lemmon Valley, Golden Valley, Red Rock, Cold Springs?)

TMWA (Truckee Meadows Water Authority) is the water agency for most of those areas; contact TMWA with your address to confirm if it is them or another agency.

Who is responsible for:

Streets & Ditches? Washoe County (311)

Traffic light poles? City of Sparks (775) 353-5555

Marking utility lines? USA Call to Dig (811)

Permits? Washoe County Planning (311)

Abandoned vehicles? Washoe County Sheriff’s Office (775) 328-3001 (option 7)

People with too many animals? Washoe County Regional Animal Services (775) 353-8900

Homes with lots of trash in yard? Washoe County Code Enforcement (311)

Garbage Service? Waste Management (775) 329-8822