Welcome to Sun Valley Improvement District

The District owns and maintains an estimated 100 miles of water mains, 120 miles of sewer mains, two sewer vaults, several pressure reducing vaults and pumping stations, and nine water storage water tanks. Since its inception, all service connections have been metered. In the early 1990s the District converted to an automated metering system.

Board of Trustees

The District Board of Trustees is made up of 5 elected members. The Board of Trustees meet monthly; the second Thursday of each month at 5:30pm. 

Sun Valley Easter Egg Hunt

Sun Valley Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 12th at the Sun Valley Community Park. Festivities begin at 11 am.  Click here for event details/flyer.

Electronic Recycling – Month of April

Sun Valley General Improvement District in partnership with Lifecycle Solutions is offering Electronics Recycling the Month of April 2025. Click Here for full recycling details. 


The District office accepts customer payments during normal business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Payments can also be made online 24/7 using a credit or debit card; in person and/or online a $3.00 service fee will apply,  phone payments a $3.25 service fee will apply .    

Watering Days

The District encourages water conservation year-round; with a dry winter we all have to do our part to help conserve water. The District recommends following the Truckee Meadows Authority watering schedule. You may water if the last number of your address is Odd (1,3,5,7 or 9) Wednesday, Friday & Sunday and Even (0,2,4,6 or 8) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. You are encouraged not to water on Mondays to allow water systems to replenish
